12 Soft methods - Sap Yi Yao
見剛而囘手 - gin3 gong1 yi4 wui4 sau2
When perceiving hardness then use “Returning Hand.”
(Retreat hands when encountering an attack (must be a gong attack). (Focus on proper ting ging and your core to react properly).
入手而偷手 - jap6 sau2 yi4 tau1 sau2
First use “Entering Hand,” then use “Stealing Hand.”
(Steal the opponent’s intercepting hand.)
截手而滚手 - zit6 sau2 i4 gwan2 sau2
First use “Intercepting Hand,” then use “Rolling Hand.”
(Roll opponent’s intercepting hand.)
棍手而漏手 - gwan3 sau2 yi4 lau6 sau2
First use “Clubbing Hand,” then use “Leaking Hand.”
Clockwise and Counter-clockwise circling hands (palms).
直统而勾手 - zik6 tung2 yi4 ngau1 sau2
Meet a straight strike then use “Hooking Hand.”
Plucking the opponent’s blocking hand.
採手而入手 - coi2 sau2 yi4 yap6 sau2
First use “Plucking Hand,” then use “Entering Hand.”
Choy Sum Sau.
摟手而進手 - lau1 sau2 yi4 zeon3 sau2
First use “Dragging Hand,” then use “Advancing Hand.”
磕手而入手 - hap6 sau2 yi4 yap6 sau2
First use “Knocking Hand,” then use “Entering Hand.”
撲手而入手 - pok3 sau2 yi4 yap6 sau2
First use “Pouncing Hand,” then use “Entering Hand.”
挑手而入手 - tiu1 sau2 yi4 yap6 sau2
First use “Raising Hand,” then use “Entering Hand.”
開手而叠手 - hoi1 sau2 yi4 dip6 sau2
First use “Opening Hand,” then use “Folding Hand.”
粘手而破手 - nim1 sau2 yi4 po3 sau2
First use “Adhering Hand,” then use “Breaking Hand.”